January 2024

Wow! Another year. Starting to speed by with the blink of an eye.

How will I continue to enhance my wellness practice in the present moment?

One of the most powerful elements of my wellness practice is forgiveness. I have written on the subject extensively throughout the pages of this blog. I will not make a long post out the topic at this point. I will include links to other posts if you are interested.

The point I want to focus on at this moment is that I realize that forgiveness of my self and others is a constant work in progress. I continue to find new memories, thoughts, and beliefs that remind me of experiences that trigger questions of fault, blame, shame, anger, resentment, and grief. When I am faced with these recollections, I can engage in the forgiveness process and transition to a sense of gratitude. It seems like I will have abundant opportunities for this practice. This is a very encouraging realization, due to the fact that as I move through forgiveness into gratitude, I experience a sense of peace and serenity. This is wellness in a nutshell.

Do you have these experiences? Can you move into a place of forgiveness and gratitude? Please share your process and experience in the comments section below.

Thank you for reading this month’s update. I will continue to write a contemplative post each month through 2024. Peace and Wellness to you all.

For additional reading, see these posts:

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